Thursday, December 14, 2006

about dad

about dad

my dad is cool
and is a funny dancer (he thinks
hes good)and is allways helping me and my
sister and when hes angry he is angry.
but in other cases he is
a kind and is
just MY DAD!!!

about mum

about mum

my mum is a nice mum,
is some times grumpy
and tells me off but she is kind jenorous
and is allways busy
she has brown hair,brown
eyes and is on the move at all times
careing after me..
and you cant forget
shes COOL!!

Friday, December 1, 2006

about emma

About Emma

Emma is my little sister and is 4 years old
she is always bugging me and my friends
and steals the tv remote from me!!
and she is always shouting
anyway I guess I'll
just have to put up with it!!!

Monday, November 27, 2006

about becky

about becky

to start with becky has a dog called
Biff,cat called Max and
some fish.
she has a big brother called Jack
mum and dad and
ALLWAYS has somthing to do!!

about zoe

about zoe allways well, up to no good!!
as you can see.
and thats all i can say.
oh and also she has a hampster
called Honey.And soon getting a dog!!!

about courtney

about courtney

courtney is one of my best friends!
she is helpful, joyful and allways
good at being a friend.
she has a cat called Gorge!!!
And he only has three legs (poor thing)
and there you have it thats courtney for